Oh see dee

I have a fear that my sister is, through acts borne purely from the best intentions, planting the seeds for potential problems in my niece’s psychological makeup. My dear sister is a fantastic person and a wonderful mum, she only wants the best for her daughter, but sometimes, things said to an impressionable seven year old really do stick. With a background as a dedicated healthcare professional – she’s a former intensive care nurse – she now works in the field of infection control and health improvement.

On our recent trip to Keswick, after her point out the “DWARF ON A SCOOTER!!!” the little one wanted to have a look around a soap shop in the town. She loved the shapes, colours and fragrances of the products and she picked out a bar for me to buy so that she could give it to her mum as a present. As she took it to the till to pay for, she said to the owner of the crowded shop, “My mum said you should only use liquid soap because bar soap is full of germs.”



Tonight, the little one was all of a tiz because of tooth decay, declaring, “I’m never eating sugar again!”after her mum had given her the lecture about tooth decay being on the rise.

I pointed out that we ate loads of sugar as kids, didn’t brush our teeth twice a day and never visited the dentist until we were thirteen, “… and I only have eight fillings, look! So long as you drink plenty of water, which you do, brush your teeth before going to bed and when you get up in the morning, you’ll be fine.”

Jesus, when I was her age, I was scared of monsters under the bed and the recurring nightmare giant who used to come off the motorway to come and get me as I hid behind the post box near the bus stop. Tooth decay? Germs? Still, I don’t claim to be the epitome of robust mental health, so maybe it is better to be wary of things that are actually dangerous. I’m still giving her Haribo when she comes to visit, no child should miss out on that… unless they have crackpot vegetarian parents who, by definition, are borderline child abusers if they don’t allow their kids the pleasure of McDonald’s chicken McNuggets and funny bear face lunch meat.

Oh, she also protested that she’s not eating chicken McNuggets again because of the salt. I recently tried these things: having bought nine for Rocky, I needed to be sure they were safe for consumption by my precious little dog. Anyway, they’re the most flavourless things I’ve ever had the displeasure of eating, so I’m certain that salt isn’t a problem. They do, however, carry the Rocky and Nanna Con seal of approval, so I’m sure that, so long as they’re not accompanied by ketchup or barbecue sauce (i.e. flavour), they’re fine for kids in moderation.

I do hanker for those days when Pot Noodles were first introduced by Golden Wonder, when they had that lovely flavour of soya meat and salt. The bastardisation of this delicacy by, is it Unilever?, is nothing short of criminal. All they’re good for these days is filling a hole when hungry. And the fact that all the flavour has been substituted with potassium chloride means that it has to be supplemented by the user adding their own salt anyway: firstly enough to mask the mouth-burning potassium; secondly, additional salt to provide some sort of flavour. This results in you taking in more salt than you would have done had they left the fucking thing alone in the first place. Cocks.

I’ve been suffering of late from night time waking due to back pain. Every time I try to change positions during sleep, I am woken by discomfort in the area that suffered that injury because of the car headlamp bulb changing incident back in 2003. The GP I saw about it at the time was brilliant. He asked me to point at the area and, without looking or examining me himself said, “Well, that’s you with back problems for the rest of your life.”

I thought he was making a statement of fact, I didn’t realise that he was actually cursing me. Maybe I should see my doctor about it (Dr Foreman has since retired from the practice), but after two years of being there almost constantly for another problem, I’m so reluctant to go back there for something else. I feel as if I’ve had my money’s worth out of the NHS and I shouldn’t really be bothering them with anything else for a few years. It’s a good job that everybody else who accesses our health service has the same attitude as me or it would buckle under the pressure of people who constantly visit their doctor for the slightest thing.

Pile up

When you’re a person who has borderline obsessive compulsive tendencies, a delinquent carpet can cause such a degree of distress that selling up and moving on seems a sensible solution. No matter what I do to my carpet, no matter which way I vacuum it, there is nothing I can do to correct the pile so that the shading is uniform. It’s all down to my patterns of movement throughout the house of course: I habitually walk a certain route; I generally sit in the same seat and this forces the pile into a particular direction. When I look at it, particularly from my toilet, it looks dreadful – to me at least.

I’m considering wearing some comb-like attachments on my slippers so that I can spend one day a week walking around the house, correcting my carpet.

Life is too short, people will say as they mock my strange obsession, but it pisses me off.

Something else that’s pissing me off is the intrusive “autosaving” notification at the foot of this post as I compose it. Just piss off!

A month of parties
I’m wiped out. February has been fun on the socialising front, but I find six months’ worth of socialising in three weekends utterly exhausting. I was sober for two of the parties I attended, but the whole “dealing with my party anxiety” is too much for somebody like me to bear.

Did I enjoy the events I attended? Absolutely, thoroughly, without any doubt.

So why am I whinging? I have no idea.

It’s lovely to be invited, I’m glad I went.

So why am I whinging? Because it threw my routine out for the entire month!

Last night’s was hugely entertaining. It was a celebration of the fortieth birthday of a colleague, “fancy dress”, he’d told us all.

I drove the however many miles it was to St Helens dressed as a nun and as I parked up at the venue, I had a look around. Everybody seemed to be in regular clothes. I’d wondered whether the birthday boy had been having us on and even considered taking some beige knitwear with me just in case, but my fears were allayed when a few pirates and a couple of red indians turned up.

It might take some public humiliation to bring out an hidden talent that had laid undiscovered: Tina turns up to a party dressed as a nun; nobody else in fancy dress; everyone points and laughs at Tina; Tina enters a catatonic state and suddenly people’s eyes start bleeding and everything bursts into flames. Alas, that didn’t happen on this occasion and the only thing that was at risk of bursting into flames was my highly flammable outfit.

Maybe for my fiftieth, I’ll have a “Carrie” themed do.

I hate Salford Council
Salford Council seems to be at war with the motorist. They are obsessed with introducing ridiculous and unnecessary road calming schemes that add further delays to poor bastards who just want to get through the shithole as quickly as possible. The latest is a reduction in the speed limit of the A6/A580 into and out of Manchester from 50 to 40mph. No warning, they just reduced the limit. Cocks.

I’m sure this bunch of jerks won’t be happy until every vehicle driving through the place has a maximum speed of 5mph and is accompanied by somebody waving a red flag. I supposed they’d call it a job creation scheme and get some money from Europe for it. COCKS!

And the little dog snoozes soundly as I bash the keys with ire.

Pillow talk
Spending a few hours in bed on a Sunday morning, armed with an iPad, some cups of coffee, and a cuddly dog is quite delightful, but I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m bored to tears of it. I miss being in a relationship. I miss that whole thing of waking up and having somebody there to talk to, have a bit of sexy fun with, drink coffee in bed with and plan stuff with. Today, I’d been awake for an hour or so, done the new, done Facebook and Twitter and Flipboard and coffee, and I was lost for something to do for the day.

Perhaps I should be more proactive and exchange my routine to include a trip into the city (via Salford), maybe see what friends are up to, but I guess what I’m saying is that it’s quite nice doing nothing when you’re doing nothing with somebody special.

Take for example my weekly nemesis: folding the bedding. This is an impossible task for a single person and it’s things like this that spark my desire to be part of a we again. Not that I want a housewife to do my chores for me, I just miss having somebody to act the goat with while I’m doing them.

Of course what I should do is use this as an opportunity to be innovative and come up with a device that’s designed with that task in mind. I’m thinking of a blow up doll with Jessica Ennis’s face that has two pegs on its hands for holding on to one end of the fitted sheet while I sort out the other end. And once the bedding is folded, well, Blow up Jess won’t be any good for making me a cup of coffee or helping me prepare lunch, so I could take her around town and buy her a burrito. I’m sure this would draw attention and provide a starting point for conversations with strangers who, when they learn the backstory, will think I’m the most amazing person they’ve ever met and want to be with me forever!

I am a genius. Collect £100 and go to Mayfair.